To the persons 'unknown' calling themselves "Bod Boulton", "Robert Alfred Murry", "bodhisattva", "The Borg Organization", etc., etc., etc.

Let's examine your absurd allegations...


No following?

You claim Shifu Nagaboshi has little or no following. As you know, this is not true. You are deliberately misleading your Internet public.

The Mushindo Kempo Organizations have memberships worldwide: England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Croatia, Italy and the U.S.A

You can't find the dojos? Of course you can't, you were expelled and are not allowed near them.

Do you expect us to give you their locations so you can steal our memberships lists to harass and persecute our people too?

Our dojos, having examined your activities and investigated your accusations, have decided to continue their affiliation with MKA.

We believe that the teachings promoted by the Mushindo Kempo Association and to which Shifu Nagaboshi has dedicated his whole life, are a unique system that benefits many and ennobles the world of Budo.

Well worth preserving and supporting.

Nagaboshi has influenced and shaped many groups other than his own. Has dedicated his life to fight a noble battle to preserve and uphold the spiritual traditions and non-commercialism of the Martial Arts. Those who really know have much to thank him for.

In your blind obsession, you fail to realize that your battle is with one man and not with the people who run these organizations, whom you are attacking, trying to discredit with blanket statements.

Nothing more to say? Well, then, throw hints and see if they're swallowed...

call the police and run !