To the persons 'unknown' calling themselves "Bod Boulton", "Robert Alfred Murry", "bodhisattva", "The Borg Organization", etc., etc., etc.

Let's examine your absurd allegations...

Certificates ?

In regards to Shifu Nagaboshi's certification(s), that you denounce as false, it so happens I do have a legitimate copy of his certification.

This came out of the Ryukus back in 1967.

To those who may want to believe otherwise: this document is perfectly legitimate and authentic.

But why should Shifu or anyone show his certificates to you? Why must he or anyone give you proof of the identity of his teachers?

You've got to be very gullible to believe that a qualified teacher of Budo of 30 years needs to prove himself or herself by showing his certificates to unqualified students or hanging them on a wall for all to see..

In the West this is not good form, less so in Japan or among Japanese or Okinawa-trained budokas.

If you can't trust the man from his actions and his teaching, are you going to trust him from his certificates should he demean himself to show them to you ?

And are you trying to tell us that Nagaboshi learnt all he knows (and once taught you) from books? And it took you 12 years (or 6) to find out you were learning nothing?

What martial artist in his / her right mind is going to believe that?

Do you hear Japan laughing ? I sure am!


So, what's the next allegation?

who's got a right to the Sanshinmon badge?